Dec 12, 2022
Welcome to Weekly Whisper #84
994 days & 2597 photos
Since March 17th 2020 I’ve been sending my Mum a photo or 2 a day. It probably took me about 2/3 months to be consistent. Sometimes I’d forget, sometimes I got busy, sometimes I’d be traveling. But since then she’s been waking up to the thought “ I wonder what picture Pete has sent me today?”.
Given she’s in her 80’s and lives on her own on the other side of the world from me it’s something positive to think about on waking. Science suggests having something to look forward to produces a positive effect on our mental and physical health.
The pictures I’ve sent range from a simple work selfie, to a sunset or moon-rise, something unusual I spot when traveling, a picture of our 2 dogs, or a family or group photo – the point being it doesn’t matter what I send it has the same impact – it’s something for her to look forward to.
Why didn’t I wait until I’d hit 1000 days – what a milestone that would have been! Well, I’ll never know what the final picture will be and I chose not to wait.
It’s rare when we know the last time something will happen. So don’t wait. Don’t wait to say thank you. Don’t wait to reach out to someone. Don’t wait to be grateful. Don’t wait to do something that might make someone else’s day.
It’s thought that the shortest distance between 2 people is a smile but perhaps it’s “shall we go to the pub?”
Tongue in cheek of course.
A smile sends an unconscious signal that you’re not a threat. It’s an unconscious signal for connection. It’s a signal that you come in peace.
Similarly, ‘shall we grab a drink’ – ‘fancy a coffee’ – ‘ see you in the pub’ – signals our intent to connect. Our willingness to share time and space with another is often received as it’s meant – open, vulnerable, relationship-building, making a bid for connection.
Question of the week: How do you know?
When you place emphasis on any of the words it can change the meaning.
How – What’s the process through which you know? How many pieces of evidence do you need? From whom or where?
Do – Do you really know or are you guessing? How certain are you – 100% or 90% or less?
You – How you know something will likely be very different to how someone else knows. Are you aware of your thinking patterns? What’s your pattern for knowing?
Know – What does it mean for you to know? What level of knowing is it? When questioned “How do you know” what do you search for to convince the questioner? Or are you trying to convince yourself?
Quote of the week: You need someone to carry the piano before anyone else can play it - Bob Paisley (famous Liverpool Football Club Manager)
I read this quote recently in the context of valuing the people who do the unseen and often unrewarded hard work for others to cross the finish line.
If you’re the piano carrier – thank you, and be sure that someone somewhere values what you do.
If you’re the piano player – go find the carrier and thank them for the shoulders you’ve stood on.
Freedom Fridays Podcast Episode #65 with Karan Ferrell-Rhodes
This week Pete chats with Karan Ferrell-Rhodes who is the founder and CEO of Shockingly Different Leadership.
Of course, he asked about the genesis of the name and how they were shockingly different. Pete & Karan also explored the 7 differentiating leadership tactics based on the research from Karan’s book Lead At The Top of Your Game. The conversation weaved between imposter syndrome and intellectual horsepower, touching on such topics as intrapreneurship and being stakeholder savvy.
An informative listen for those keen to understand how to differentiate themselves.
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That's all for this week. I hope you enjoyed Weekly Whisper #84.
Feedback is my fuel so if you have any comments please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts.
21 Whispers has partnered with B1G1 and each sign up to our Weekly Whispers Newsletter will help break the poverty cycle by providing a day's secondary education to a child in Vietnam