
fresh start meaningful converstations questions squeeze the most out of your days Dec 20, 2021

Welcome to Week #47

What whispers did you hear from #46

How unstoppable are you?

Did you start or re-visit your rainy day folder?

Which you did you compare yourself to?

Did you see the gift?

What’s struck me this week?

1. One day or day one?

Are you the sort of person that says “I’d love to do that one day”?

We know that the fresh start effect is powerful and there are occasions when using the fresh start effect is a powerful motivator for initial action.

I wonder how many of us have said “I’ll start on Monday” 😊

For me, during lockdown, I wasn’t investing enough of my time in keeping fit, active and generally exercising. I would always find an excuse – real and perceived – to not start. Until I came across the concept of 'One day or day one'. It got me started. I now do a 10 second plank into 2 push ups…every day since. Now, whether the 10 second plank and 2 push ups are doing anything to increase my fitness is arguable. What’s not arguable is that it’s a simple 12 second activity that I can do anytime, anywhere and most importantly every day. It’s now, 6/7 weeks in, beginning to strengthen my identity as someone who exercises, stretches and moves regularly. Had I waited for a fresh start moment I probably wouldn’t have started yet!

So, what about you? Are you the sort of person that puts off to tomorrow that which could easily be started today? Go on, just start. Start with something so simple and easy you could do it right now.

2. If you ask people the right questions everyone is interesting

Something I’ve learnt throughout this year is that everyone has a story. How you became you is completely unique and very different to how I became me.

I’ve learnt this in talking to people on my podcast Freedom Fridays. I’ve chatted to many people who we’d probably define as relatively normal but who have an extraordinary story. I haven’t interviewed any celebrities or famous people – just people like you and me. However, despite the apparent normality, there is an extraordinariness to their story. How do I unlock the story? Questions. Questions are the key to unlocking their story. In deeply listening to the words they use and what might sit behind their words I find there’s always a unique story waiting to come out.

So what’s your story? Want to share it on my podcast? Reach out to me on [email protected] and we can discuss.

3. Question of the week - More than 101 Fun & Interesting Questions To spark meaningful conversations?

HUFFPOST: 101 Fun and Interesting Questions To Perk Up Boring Gatherings

BRIGHTFUL: 75 Incredibly Fun Questions of the Day - Have More Meaningful Conversations

4. Quote of the week - "You only live once? False. You live every day. You only die once. Remember to live before you die" Layne Beachley AO

Are you really living? Are you squeezing the most out of the days when you're in the mood to squeeze?

What are you doing with the rest of the days?

5. Freedom Fridays Podcast

My weekly conversation with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We explore some of the big changes people have gone through and what’s helped the journey. The intention is to share as openly as possible some of the ingredients – the good, the bad, the ugly – that shape our shift from ‘I have to’ into ‘I choose to’. The lessons are hiding in open sight within the conversation – it’s up to you how you apply them.

This week I chat to David Riley. An old friend who I haven’t seen for a while but I’ve been following his journey over the last 12 months as he’s done a clockwise circumnavigation of Australia with his family. An extraordinary experience without a doubt. So many nuggets to share about such things as why he did it; how much persuasion of the family was required; how much did it cost; would he do it again or has his heart been satisfied. David shares some beautiful and vulnerable moments with us about some pertinent reminders of the wonder of life.

Click to listen to Episode #45.




That's all for this week and I hope you enjoyed Weekly Whisper #47.

Feedback is my fuel so if you have any comments please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts.







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